Thursday, April 15, 2010

Small Drinking Water System Superintendent Course Scheduled

Funded by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), the Small Water System Operator’s Training Program is a comprehensive curriculum consisting of five classes that will be offered exclusively to eligible small water system operators, plus two new classes.

Small Drinking Water System Superintendent Course

Up Coming:
Mathematics for Small Water System Operators

These classes will provide those operators with an understanding of the principles and practices involved with collecting, treating, storing and distributing safe drinking water.

The courses are based on the Association of Boards of Certification Need-to-Know criteria for water treatment and distribution system operators and will be delivered across the State of Maryland.

How to Register:

To assist waters systems serving 3,300 or fewer persons, obtain and retain certified operators, MCET will enroll students in courses developed by MCET specific to the small water/distribution system operator. Call MCET to register for these classes at 301-934-7502

Applicants must hold either a temporary or permanent water operator certification or are applying for a temporary certification during the timeframe of this program and be employed at a water/distribution system to take these courses.

Applicants will not be charged for this training. Applicants must prove proof of employment at a water/distribution system with a PWSID number, where the population associated with the system serves less than 3,301If an operator works at more than one system, and one of the systems serves less than 3,301, then that operator would be eligible.

Operators should contact April Thompson for more information or to enroll in this program at 301-934-7502 or e-mail April at